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Non-Cash Activity Support Guide

This article lists non-cash activities, along with instructions for submitting monthly or quarterly reports to Verivest accounting.

Updated over a week ago

We kindly request that you send any necessary reports to the Verivest accounting team at the same reporting frequency for your entity.

There are a few options for the support to be provided: you can upload them to the Financial Support folder in Egnyte, email them directly, or use Uncat (our preferred method).

Please note that the underlying assets may provide the support needed and can be provided in lieu of the examples provided in this article.

Assets Held by Entity


Documentation Required

Assets to be Marked to Fair Value

Unrealized gain/loss for the period and total fair value of asset

Equity Interest

Monthly or quarterly asset level financials

Interest in an SPV/SPE

Capital account statement showing:

  • Entity’s beginning balance

  • Contributions during the period

  • Distributions during the period

  • Net income during the period

  • Unrealized income during the period

  • Ending capital account balance

If capital account statement is not available:

  • Provide estimated income amounts for non-year end quarters only

  • For year end, provide annual K-1 and Depreciation-Income Schedule

Capital Account Statement.xlsx


Lender Statement of Account showing the following for each loan/mortgage:

  • Loan # and borrower name

  • Loan address

  • Origination date

  • Interest rate

  • Maturity date

  • Outstanding UPB

  • Rehab balance

  • 3rd Party sale information

Line of Credit

Monthly loan statement from lender/bank

Rental Properties

A monthly rental statement

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