Verifying Your Accreditation With Parallel Markets

This article goes over the Parallel Markets accreditation process.

Updated over a week ago

We are now using a third-party software called Parallel Markets for our accreditation process. As an investor, you will only see the accreditation option during the investment process or if your investment manager sends you a pledge notification. This notification allows you to log into your investor portal and complete your investment and accreditation verification.

Getting Accredited

  1. Start the investment process from your investor portal or click on a pending investment

    2. Click verify accreditation

    3. Sign into an existing account (if you've used Parallel Markets in the past) or create an account

If you are unable to complete the Parallel Markets questionnaire in one go, don't worry! You can pause and return to it later. When you revisit the Investment Progress Page, simply click the accreditation button to restart the Parallel Markets process and finish up.

4. Authorize Parallel Markets to share your accreditation status with Verivest

5. Select the accreditation path that best suits your situation

6. Choose which documents you would like to provide

7. Browse your computer for your files & then click Upload (PDF files only)

8. After you upload your files, you will be redirected back to the Verivest investment wizard

Please note: Unless you click logout, you will remain logged into Parallel Markets.

Checking Your Accreditation Progress/Status

After you've submitted all of the required documents, you can view your accreditation status from the investment tab.

To view more details on your accreditation, click on "manage accreditation." This will redirect you to the Parallel Markets login page. Next, sign in using the credentials you created when you submitted your documents.

Click on passport to view the status of your submission.

After Parallel Markets verifies that you meet the accreditation requirements, an accreditation letter will be uploaded to your investment account and your accreditation status will be changed to "Verified" in the Verivest portal.

Further Action Required

If your submission requires further review, you will see a notice similar to the ones below in your investment progress page. This page can be accessed within the investment tab after clicking into a pending investment.

Your investment manager can also view all alerts regarding your accreditation submission and assist you in uploading any additional documentation.

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