Email Notifications

The investor portal sends a number of email notifications out to investors on behalf of managers.

All notifications feature the Managers' logo at the top of the email.

Activation Email

Notification sent for users who are imported into the white-label portal in order for them to set up their account.

Subject: Activate your investor portal account

Portal Contact Email

Contacts who are added to either a new or existing investment account will receive a notification similar to the one provided below.

Confirm Email Address

Notification sent after initial registration for user to confirm their email address.

Subject: Confirm your email address

Capital Pledge Investor Notification

Notification confirming an initial capital pledge, providing a link back to the portal for the investor.

Subject: Thank you for your capital pledge!

Contribution Investor Notification - Optional

Notification confirming receipt of funds.

Subject: Funds Received for

New Statement Notification - Optional

Notification sent when a new Statement of Account is available to download.

Subject: Your statement for is ready

Distribution Complete Notification – Reinvest - Optional

Notification sent when a new distribution is complete, which is being reinvested into the offering.

Subject: New Distribution for

Distribution Complete Notification – Income – Optional

Notification sent when a new distribution is complete, which is being paid out to the investor.

Subject: New Distribution for

New Document Notification– Optional

Notification sent when a new document is available for download (e.g. asset updates, K-1s, etc).

Subject: Document for is available

Please note that when investors click on "View Document," they will be directed to the documents center where they will see a list of all available documents. To quickly locate the document for which they received an email notification, investors should copy the file name and enter it into the search bar located in the documents center.