Manually Verifying an Investor's Accreditation Status | Verivest Help Center

Manager can manually override an investor's accreditation status.

Verivest offers full Accreditation Verification services in line with SEC requirements, however you may choose to manually accredit your investors in the portal, instead of outsourcing to Verivest.

You can manually verify an investor's accreditation status per investment. Meaning, if an investor returns to make an additional contribution you will need to re-verify them.

We recommend utilizing Parallel Markets, or developing a comprehensive in-house process, in order to ensure you remain compliant with SEC regulations regarding accreditation.

To manually accredit an investor, collect all necessary documentation from the investor and save to your files. Then complete the following from your portal:

  1. Click investments

  2. Select the investment you wish to verify and then click Manually Verify

4. Upload supporting documents & add the verification date and change the status from pending to "verified"

5. Click Verify accreditation to complete

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