Statements: Glossary and Terms

Understand the key terminology on your investor Statement of Account.

Contributions: This is an inflow of capital to the offering vehicle made by the investor.

Distributions: Cash distributed to investors from an investment vehicle.

Excess Distributable Cash (EDC): Used in syndications and funds to distribute profits to investors based off of the fund's overall performance.

Fees: The Fund Manager or Firm's applicable and agreed upon fees (e.g. Administrative Fee, Investment Management Fee or a Performance-Based Fee). This would be outlined in your Subscription Documents.

Interest Income: Cash return that is paid to an investor that has accrued over time based on their contributions and interest rate in a debt instrument.

Loss of Capital: A decrease in overall capital, often due to the loss of the investment vehicle's underlying assets.

Market Value: The price at which investors can buy or sell an investment at a given time, multiplied by the quantity held.

Net Income: The amount of profit or loss allocated to investors after all other considerations have been included.

Paid in Capital: This value displays the total amount of capital that the investor has invested. This is the sum of all contributions and reinvestments minus any redemptions, return of capital, and loss of capital.

Reinvestments: Distributions that purchase the investor additional units or interests in an equity instrument, or add to the balance of a debt instrument, instead of being sent out as cash.

Unrealized Gain: Gains in account's market value based on the increase in value of underlying assets that have not been realized, as the underlying assets have yet to be sold.

Withholding: Non-reclaimable capital withheld for tax purposes. Details of withholdings should be outlined in your Subscription Documents.

Based on GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards)

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