What does it mean to be Accredited?

This article explains what it means to be accredited and provides a summary of the documents that can be submitted to verify your status.

In order to maintain exempted status under SEC Rule 506(c) of Regulation D, some Opportunities require investors to verify accreditation.

An Accredited Investor is an individual or entity who meets certain criteria set out by the SEC, relating to income, net wealth or other criteria. To learn more, visit investor.gov.

Verivest provides Investor Accreditation services on behalf of our clients, for entities which require investors to be accredited. The checklists below provide guidance on the documentation investors must provide to verify their status, depending on the path chosen.

Investing as an Individual or Jointly

Third Party Verification Letter

  • A Third Party Verification Letter from a registered broker-dealer, an SEC-registered investment adviser, a licensed attorney, or a Certified Public Accountant, signed and dated with in the last 90 days for each individual investor.

Proof of Income

  • Tax returns or W-2s from the past two years demonstrating income over $200k, or joint income of over $300k.

  • Upload a written statement that the investor reasonably expects to meet the income threshold in the current year.

Proof of Net Worth

  • Account statements (e.g. Money Market, IRA, Brokerage, or Checking Accounts) demonstrating monetary value in excess of $1MM (net of liabilities).

  • Authorization to run a credit report to verify the investors’ liabilities (please note: this is a hard pull).

  • Upload a written statement attesting that the investor(s) have no additional material liabilities beyond those contained in the credit report.

Knowledgeable Employee/Partner

  • Evidence of position (e.g. proof of employment).


Investors investing via a Trust or Entity

Third Party Verification Letter

  • Ownership documentation detailing all Owners/Members of Entity.

  • A Third Party Verification Letter from a registered broker-dealer, an SEC-registered investment adviser, a licensed attorney, or a Certified Public Accountant, signed and dated with in the last 90 days for each individual Owner/Member.

Entity with Total Assets > $5MM

  • Ownership documentation detailing all Owners/Members of Entity.

  • Upload a statement or any other evidence that is no later than 90 days old showing assets in excess of $5,000,000.

Trust with Assets > $5MM

  • Trust documents detailing all Trustees.

  • Upload a statement or any other evidence that is no later than 90 days old showing assets in excess of $5,000,000.

Proof of Income for All Beneficial Owners of Entity

  • Ownership documentation detailing all Owners/Members of Entity.

  • Tax returns of W-2s from the past two years demonstrating income over $200k, or joint income of over $300k for each Owner.

  • Upload a written statement that the investor reasonably expects to meet the income threshold in the current year for each Owner.

Once you have your documents ready, upload them during the investment process. Alternatively, you can reach out to IR@Verivest.com for assistance with uploading them to your investor account.