Adding a Contact to an Existing Account

This article explains the process for granting or revoking a user's access to an investment account.

Investment account contacts have the ability to make changes to the accounts they are associated with. To add a new contact to an account, follow the steps below.

Note: To add a contact as described in this article, you need to create the contact first. To learn how to do this, click here.

To add a contact to an existing account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Accounts from your dashboard menu

  2. Select the necessary account

  3. Scroll down to Contacts of the Account Overview section

  4. Click on Settings

  5. Search for an existing user by name or email in the Add contact to account field

  6. Determine the user's permission by selecting Owner or Admin

    "Owner": Allows the contact to make edits and investments with this account.

    "User": Allows the contact to make edits on this account.

  7. Click on Save

Removing A Contact

You can also remove a contact from an investment account which revokes their access to all investment account data.

To remove a contact from an account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Accounts from your dashboard menu

  2. Select the necessary account

  3. Scroll down to Contacts of the account overview section

  4. Click on Settings

  5. Click on the X to the right of the Contact that you need to remove

  6. Click Save